Why Choose Us

As any childcare, Daycare
Bensonhurst center is focused
on directing children towards
educational achievements,
but there is one element
that defers us from others.
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Daycare Provider Letter

“Daycare Bensonhurst offers a wide range of daily activities to encourage every child’s emotional, intellectual, social, and physical well-being. We believe children learn best through play, hands-on experiences, and in the environment that is safe, happy, challenging and caring. We strive to find an individual approach to every child, so our program includes such types of activities as child centered play, floor time activities, self-guided learning model, and child centered learning.

1502 W 1st St B, Brooklyn, NY 11204

Bensonhurst Daycare

(718) 568-7797

Floor-time Play allows children to interact with each other, learn, play and build social and emotional skills through interactive games, lessons, shared talk and cooperation with friends. This type of activity is extremely useful in promoting an individual’s development, creative thinking, and mediating process of finding solutions.

Self-Guided Learning promotes natural development and lays the foundation for self-management, self-efficacy, and self-esteem.

Child Centered Learning helps children become active participants in their learning. This type of learning helps children to teach themselves with instructor’s guidance; it assists in boosting their interest, commitment, confidence and innovative ability and helps them to develop better understanding, reasoning, and problem-solving skills.


Self-Guided Learning methodology

Child Centered Play aids to help children communicate their inner experiences through the use of toys and play. This technique facilitates the development of a child’s self-esteem, problem-solving and coping skills, as well as assists children in making decisions and develops an ability to explore and practice social skills.

Our learning programs are proven to spark children’s curiosity and allow them to develop in a mindful and independent way while in a nurturing, safe and caring environment.